Training Mails Basic Email Security Email security should be a top priority for all companies. From schools to startups, email is the How To Spot & Avoid Phishing Not even the best scammer can outsmart skepticism. Is This Email Legitimate Five questions to ask yourself Benefits of SSO & Password Lockers It isn't easy to remember different passwords for different applications and devices. But there's help! One Size Does Not Fit All A password, by definition, is a secret word or phrase used to gain access to something... not everything! Password Management In today's environment, there are an increasing number of web-based systems. As such, it is likely that you have multiple usernames and passwords to remember. Adware Beware Some adware may be fine and help serve more tailored ads, but it's the malicious type we'll be exploring. Anti Malware & Anti Virus Defense Adding walls of defense mitigates the likelihood you'll suffer from a cyberattack. The True Cost of Ransomware The financial impact can go well beyond the initial attack. Airdrop & Bluetooth Connectivity You should only turn these features on when actively using them. Authentication System Security There are some aspects of security that are controlled by the user that can improve or maintain the security of the authentication system. Avoid Unintentional Data Exposure Many data breaches are not caused by hackers, but by the unintentional exposure of confidential information by employees. Beware of Online Scams Don’t let routines and current events slip you up. How To Identify Social Engineering Attack A social engineering attack is when someone is manipulated into perform a specific action. If Its Too Good To Be True You know the saying, and it holds true now more than ever. With the ability to transfer money electronically, scams can be conducted from almost anywhere in the world. Charging Port Safety Public community gathering points like airports, hotels, and restaurants are hotbeds for cybercrime. Control of Printed Material with Sensitive Information Credential and data theft doesn’t stop with digital attacks. Lock Your Computer Even if you're coming right back, grabbing something from the printer, running to the restroom, or throwing something away, keeping your computer secure is crucial.